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What is Plagiocephaly?

Plagiocephaly is the medical term used to describe babies with a flat or deformed head.  It is also known as Flat head syndrome. A baby’s skull is extremely soft and pliable after birth (the back part until about four months and the front up to 18 months) and therefore constant pressure on one area can contribute to an asymmetrical head shape.  There are different forms of plagiocephaly of which positional plagiocephaly is one that typically develops after birth when babies spend time in a position that puts pressure on one part of the skull. Nowadays a newborn baby spends most of the time lying on his/her back and for that reason may develop a flat spot where the head presses against the mattress. Although this head deformity looks a bit disconcerting, positional Plagiocephaly is usually of no detriment to your baby. In fact, once your baby starts to sit up independently, round about six months, the flat spot mostly rounds out and disappears. Nevertheless, if you notice flattening of your baby’s head at any time, please consult your doctor about it.

The nurtureOne nesting cushion is one of the best sleeping devices to avoid positional plagiocephaly.  It is recommended that you regularly change your baby’s position each time you put your baby down to sleep in the nurtureOne nest. Because babies tend to settle into the same comfortable position when you put them to sleep it is therefore important that  you alternate the direction your baby’s head is lying every time you put him/her in the cushion i.e. first on the back, then alternatively to the right and left sides. Furthermore, encourage your baby to have some tummy time when he or she is awake! This will strengthen your baby’s neck muscles and enable him/her to move the head around while sleeping so it does not always rest in the same position. By following these steps you can avoid positional plagiocephaly.

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